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Ongoing Project

Call for Participants - Online Study (Ongoing, until 10 Apr 2023 Mon)


Welcome to read the information sheet and participate in the study!

Project background

  • The University of York would like to invite you to take part in the following project: A Cross-cultural Study between Chinese and Western Contexts: Music Emotion Recognition, Personality Traits and Cognitive Styles.

What is the purpose of the project?

  • This project is being undertaken by Menglan Lyu (, who is a doctoral student at the University of York.

  • The work is being conducted according to restrictions that have been subject to approval by the ACT Ethics committee. The Chair of the ACT Ethics committee can be contacted on

  • For this research project, we are interested in investigating whether the cultural differences in musical emotion recognition are associated with the differences in the personality traits and cognitive styles of different cultures. You are expected to find a quiet place out of noise or disturbance to participate in this project, which will involve - Part 1 (about 20 minutes): After completing the demographic questionnaire, listening to both Western classical and Chinese traditional music excerpts with different emotions expressed, and answering relevant questions; Part 2 (about 10 minutes): completing questionnaires (all choice questions) related to personality traits and cognitive styles. For online participants, after you complete Part 1, you are free to choose whether to continue to complete Part 2 so as to finish the whole questionnaire in one sitting, or end the questionnaire there and complete Part 2 on another day (a reminder email with the link of Part 2 will be sent to you after you complete and submit Part 1). For offline participants, you are expected to complete the whole questionnaire in one sitting.

  • Your participation in this project is voluntary. If you wish, we will provide you with access to the research report after the project is completed. If you would like to receive access to these, you can indicate as such on a separate questionnaire, the link of which will be available when you complete the whole questionnaire and submit it.

Why have I been invited to take part?

  • You have been invited to take part because you were born and raised either in Western or Chinese culture, aged 18 years or above.

Why should I take part?

  • Your participation will contribute to filling the gap of research on the roles of personality traits and cognitive styles in music emotion recognition from a cross-cultural perspective. You will have the opportunity to be informed about the outcomes of the study and enter a prize draw to win a £20 Amazon Voucher or equivalent cash prize.

Do I have to take part?

  • No, participation is optional. If you do decide to take part, you will be given a copy of this information sheet for your records and will be asked to complete a participant consent form. If you change your mind at any point during the research activity, you will be able to withdraw your participation without having to provide a reason. To withdraw your participation you only need to close the webpage and all your data will be deleted.

Will I be identified in any outputs?

  • No. Your participation in this research activity will be treated anonymously and you will not be identified in any outputs.

Questions or concerns

  • If you have any questions or concerns about how your data is being processed, please contact us using the above contact address.      

Interested to Participate?

If you are interested in this research project, we offer opportunities for you to participate either online or in person.

Locations for Offline Participation

For the in-person format, you can come to participate in the listening experiment in our YMPG Lab in the Music Department, School of Arts and Creative Technologies, at the University of York, where individual participation at any time that works best for you is possible; or the Creativity Lab, based in the Harry Fairhurst Building, within the Library complex on the University of York’s West campus, where you can use the most advanced workstations, though the seats are limited so booking for participation in the Creativity Lab will serve in a first-come-first-reserved manner.

Duration for Completing the Questionnaire

For online participants, after you complete Part 1, you are free to choose whether to continue to complete Part 2 so as to finish the whole questionnaire in one sitting, or end the questionnaire there and complete Part 2 on another day. For offline participants, you are expected to complete the whole questionnaire in one sitting.

How to Participate

In-Person: Please express your interest by emailing so that we can arrange a time for you. If any of the following slots in Creative Lab works for you, please indicate all the times that you are available so that we can try to accommodate most of the people; if none of the slots in Creativity Lab works for you, you can still book an individual slot out of these times in YMPG Lab! Simply email us to discuss the best solution!


YMPG Lab: 


Creativity Lab: 

  • 16 March, 10-12 pm

  • 17 March, 2-4 pm

  • 30 March, 2-4 pm

Online: You simply need to click on the link here:,

or click on the Participate button below, or scan the QR code on the right.


👁️‍🗨️ There is also a copyrighted version with a little bit more content that takes only 1 to 2 more minutes to complete. If you are interested in completing the copyrighted version, please do not use the above public link but contact, so that we can send you a private link!



Pictures from Internet

About My Research 关于我的研究: About

Updated in Mar 2023

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